Past Events

Health and Safety in Analytical Laboratories .©

UK; LONDON London, United Kingdom

 Health and Safety in Analytical Laboratories .© Course Content: The Key Principles of safety Hazards and practical control measures Common workplace measures Laboratory hygiene Risk Assessment First Aid Waste Materials Chemical safety in the laboratory Laboratory Safety Biological Safety Biohazard Spills Biosafety Basics Biosafety Cabinets Biosafety Levels Biosafety Risk Assessment Biosafety Signs Biosafety Training Requirements […]

Business English skills©.

UK; LONDON London, United Kingdom

Phonetics Repetition of sounds and sentences Listening to native transcripts Practising speech and articulation Speech Warm-ups Tongue Twisters Rhyme Games Tone, Pitch and Intonation British Accent American Accent Topic-based vocabulary Day-to-day expressions Role Plays Fill-in exercises Phrasal Verbs Discussions Essay writing Presentations Emails Graphs and Charts Business Vocabulary Case Studies   For more information send […]


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This course will be held in different cities and times; you can request it in the registration form below.
للتسجيل ومزيد من المعلومات:
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For registration and to request available or customized programs, please contact us using the form below. Our team will prepare your request within 24 hours.

للتسجيل وطلب البرامج المتاحة أو المخصصة، يرجى التواصل معنا باستخدام النموذج أدناه. سيقوم فريقنا بإعداد طلبكم خلال 24 ساعة.