Methodology & Our Pedagogical principles


Training, Development, and the Human are three sides of an integrated triangle which aims at progress and prosperity of communities, countries, and the whole world. Programs at CINPAA training centers, enables them to acquire new skills, values, and knowledge that develop their experiences towards enhancing and creating development strategies in all fields. This ensures progress, integration, and cooperation of the different local, regional, and international entities and institutions in light of globalization, which makes the world smaller and smaller with the advances in information technology, skills, and performance.

We believe that there are capabilities ad capacities of the highest quality in the world. If they were organized and crystallized their work ensuring Total Quality and international changes and strategies, they would undoubtedly become able to their goals and vision at the lowest cost, effort, and time and with the most successful means and methods.

We decided to hold the programs in different countries and cities in general to provide the opportunity to participants to see other cultures and enjoy recreations at the same time, as we all need some entertainment along with education and development.

We also decided that part of the program will be held mainly in Spain for many reasons, like:

  • The oldest European universities stemmed from Spain, and Spain is still pioneering in developing its educational system which combines deep-rooted and scientific traditions, and the best advances in knowledge and technology.
  • Remnants of the Arab and Islamic civilization in Andalusia a proof of Arabs and Muslims capabilities along the human history.

Additionally, we designed our programs to be comprehensive and diverse to fit the various target groups, as they include:

  • First: Effective Training basically on recent and modern topics in the different fields
  • Second: Workshops and lectures by European and Arab experts on international experiences
  • Third: Field visits to locations and anything closely related to the training program

The training process, from our point of view, is not based on transfer of knowledge and information. However, it is based on interactive acquisition of this knowledge; through participating in an interactive learning process. This approach enables trainees to continually be in situations of thinking, searching, questioning, and doubt which will reflect on the trainer him/herself who will automatically customize daily practices to this analytical pattern, and therefore understanding developing them accordingly.

Pedagogical principles and philosophy of the training:

First, we have to define the term pedagogy and what it means.

Prominent educational scholars considered it to be:

-“Applied theory of education, deriving its concepts from Psychology and Sociology.” E. Durkheim

-“The most controversial science, aiming at a practical goal.” A. Makarenko

-“It is not a science, technique, philosophy, or art, but it is all of that, organized in according to logical joints.” R. Hubert

-Dewey affirms that it can be considered a science, and Krshensteiner agrees with him on that.

Pedagogy as a term has two indication:

-First of all, it refers to the person as an educational person, who acquires the skills for the art of education.

-Secondly, it refers to the theory of this art.

Pedagogy as an art and theory is indispensable in the fields of education and training. Those who are aware of the development in modern management and educational sciences, and ethics of social and humanitarian work between the East and the West, recognize many new concepts that were absent for generations and not noticed by many. One of these concepts, which is considered a subject of interest and development since the old ages, is education and training.

 Based on the experiences and looking at approaches, methods, and philosophies of education, and modern management and educational sciences, we believe that it is highly important that we adopt new methods based on a clear approach and vision for learning and training, to ensure prosperity of human resources in the world.

As training is originally a change and development process, and as that cannot be achieved with the active contribution of trainees themselves, the approach and philosophy of the new pedagogical training depend mainly on effective training methods, which enables trainees to play an active role in the training process.