Marketing and Innovation Conference: Shaping the Future of Marketing ©

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Marketing and Innovation Conference: Shaping the Future of Marketing ©

25 Nov - 27 Nov

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 Marketing and Innovation Conference Shaping the Future of Marketing ©  

25 TO 27 JUN. 2024
Birmingham, UK



We are excited to welcome you to the Marketing and Innovation Conference, the premier event that brings together marketing leaders and creative thinkers from around the world to discuss the future of this dynamic field. This three-day conference will feature a wide range of sessions, workshops, and presentations that will inspire you and equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to take your marketing skills to the next level.

Expanding Your Knowledge

The Marketing and Innovation Conference aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the latest marketing trends and technologies. You will be able to learn from leading experts in the field and gain insights into how to leverage these trends to boost your brand and achieve exponential growth.

Conference Objectives

  • Provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the latest marketing trends and technologies.
  • Give participants the opportunity to network with marketing leaders and creative thinkers from around the world.
  • Help participants develop new skills and techniques to boost their brands and achieve growth.
  • Create a creative and collaborative environment for exchanging ideas and experiences.


The Marketing and Innovation Conference is designed to attract a diverse range of attendees, including:

  • Executive marketing managers
  • Marketing specialists
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Brand owners
  • Students
  • Anyone interested in the field of marketing


Top 3 Benefits of Attending the Marketing and Innovation Conference:

  1. Enhance Your Marketing Skills: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest marketing trends and technologies, and develop your skills through interactive workshops.
  2. Expand Your Professional Network: Connect with marketing leaders, creative thinkers, and other attendees from around the world, and build valuable relationships.
  3. Gain Actionable Insights: Learn from real-world case studies showcasing successful marketing campaigns, and apply these strategies to elevate your brand.


Main Conference

The Marketing and Innovation Conference consists of a series of sessions, workshops, and presentations that focus on various aspects of marketing. Some of the key topics will include:

  • Digital marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Data analytics and data-driven marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Customer experience
  • Artificial intelligence and marketing
  • The future of marketing

Conference Components

  • Keynote sessions: Keynote sessions will feature presentations from top experts in the marketing field.
  • Workshops: Workshops will provide participants with the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques in an interactive setting.
  • Presentations: Presentations will allow participants to share their research and ideas with their peers.
  • Expo: The expo will feature a wide range of exhibiting companies offering the latest marketing solutions and technologies.
  • Networking events: Networking events will provide participants with the opportunity to connect with each other and build new professional relationships.

Conference Agenda

 Participants who attend the conference will receive accredited attendance certificates from the conference organizers and CINPAA training center, an accredited European organization registered and based in Spain and Britain.


To download the conference file click here.

Mastering Decision-Making and Project Management Skills Conference.© 

For more information send us at:


whatsapp: +34-63-586-76-86


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Birmingham, UK
Birmingham, Birmingham United Kingdom + Google Map

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