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15 Jun - 19 Jun



There are other programs designed for business leaders. None are quite like this. AVIRA is a unique opportunity for business leaders from around the world to put aside the urgent in order to consider the important. It is a forum for exploring and debating the current issues for businesses at a strategic level.


AVIRA encourages you to explore your responsibility as a leader, and the responsibility of your organization in an uncertain and fast-changing global environment. It questions the traditional vision of leadership, and enhances an individual’s capacity for self-awareness and awareness of the dynamics of their environment.

 Who Should Attend

AVIRA is a learning experience aimed at leaders at the very top level of their companies. AVIRA was created as the result of an international survey carried out by INSEAD into the personal development needs of chief executives. The study revealed that executives wanted to be inspired rather than taught, they were keen to develop a deeper insight into their own behavior, rather than to acquire new knowledge or be offered solutions.


If you’re in a senior leadership position within your organization and you wish to challenge yourself by working alongside other senior executives then this is aimed at you.



The program enhances understanding of the complex interdependency between responsibility and decision-making and the implementation process, taking action at the top. AVIRA is designed to explore the five critical dimensions within the role of a Leader:


AWARENESS: What is the leader’s job today? What is your role today? What is expected of the leader in uncertain times?


VISION: What is the big, bold, ambitious vision for your future? What is the vision for global corporations and its critics? What to do when visions are in conflict?


IMAGINATION: Creativity and its role in strategic thinking. Thinking outside of the normal leadership role. Tapping into the vast resource of imagination in others.


RESPONSIBILITY: How to demonstrate and create personal accountability in leadership. Managing high risk at the top of organizations.


ACTION: The path ahead. Personal and organizational reinvention. Meeting challenges.


Methods of communicating the organizational awareness to the community



 Organizational Impact

Executives attending this event will take greater responsibility for their impact on the culture of the organization. They will understand the link between values and behavior standards in their teams and staff. They will have been exposed to, and will have practiced, techniques in competencies that are essential in the role of an executive leader. They will also see the benefit of integrating such competencies to provide a proactive support to their managers within an organization.


Personal Impact

Increase personal capability to master the complexity of top management jobs in an uncertain world. Expand insights into the challenges responsible business leaders and corporations are likely to face in the future. Build a close-knit and valuable network of executives.


Competencies Emphasized

  • Exploring the power of leadership competencies
  • How to apply leadership at senior level in the organization
  • Strategic planning, succession planning and career planning
  • Coaching
  • Influencing
  • Managing performance





  • Understanding your personal power as an executive
  • Understand why you do what you do and the patterns of behavior
  • Incorporating key leadership competencies into your style
  • Identify your Role as a Leader in the Leadership World
  • Understand who you really are and your purpose as a Leader
  • Deeper insight into your vision of the world, of organizations and of society



  • Understand the power of creative visualization
  • Aligning competencies to organizational priorities
  • Strategic planning step-by-step—when goal setting isn’t enough
  • Discuss the difference between continuous improvement & breakthrough
  • Understand the distinction between ‘change’ and ‘transformation’
  • Create a powerful and compelling vision for the future
  • Understand what part imagery can play in inspiring others



  • Applying critical components of breakthrough thinking
  • Develop new possibilities for your leadership career
  • Learn how to apply ‘green light’ thinking to create new change
  • Understand how to balance ideas with productivity
  • A more effective use of knowledge (your own and that of others) in your decision making and in taking action



  • Increased capacity to master the complexities of your task in an uncertain world
  • Improve your appreciation of the complex interdependency between responsibility and action at the top level
  • Where must accountability lie at the senior levels of business
  • Accountability and responsibility in the global corporation: where to start and stop?
  • The link between who we are as leaders and organizational culture
  • Managing knowledge and human capital



  • Build a leadership re-creation plan
  • Discuss Kotters 8 step organizational transformation process
  • Create a life of leadership balance with less stress and more energy
  • Evaluate all breakthroughs and new discoveries
  • Use the Mission Diamond Process to publish your plan publicly
  • Evaluate personal achievements, insights and commitments
  • Methods of communicating the organisational awareness to the community
  • Methods and use of technology in delivering awareness message from the institution to the public
  • Delivering the awareness message to the public

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