Technology Transfer ©.

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Technology Transfer ©.

02 Sep - 07 Sep



  There are many programmes and academic courses on technology transfer, but there are very few practice-oriented conference, such as this conference  , which is aimed at professionals, both novice and active.

We are in CINPAA proud to offer you this conference” Technology Transfer” concepts and practices to give participants a firm grounding in the advanced skills and knowledge required for a successful Professional. Case study analysis and business simulation form the core of the program content, reinforced by practical tasks such as experiential activities and role plays.

conference Description

  • This conference is unique because it covers the complete cycle of the process of transfer and commercialisation of technologies, based on our unique Technology Transfer Canvas.


  • Professionals starting their career, new staff or experienced staff that need to face the technology transfer process, under an industry relationships framework, at Universities, Research Organisations, Research Hospitals, Technology Organisations, Science Parks, Consultancy Firms, Companies and Start-ups, Foundations, Government, etc.




 Introduction to technology transfer

  • What is technology transfer?
  • The technology transfer process

Technology identification

  • R&D results: technologies (IP) and competencies
  • Technology identification methods

Technology assessment

  • Technology value proposition and business model
  • Evaluation of transfer potential
  • Pathways for capitalising on technologies
  • Licencing, spin-out, and others routes
  • Market research
  • Technology transfer partners
  • Development and commercialization plan

Intellectual property rights

  • Overview of intellectual property rights
  • Introduction to patents
  • The patent document
  • Patentability requirements
  • The patenting process

Technology validation

  • Validation of technology strategy
  • The validation process

Technology maturation and proof of concept

  • Bridging the valley of death
  • Maturation and proof of concept


  • Locating technology partners
  • The engagement process with technology partners
  • Keys to collaborate with partners


  • Overview of technology transfer contracts

Deal making and negotiation

  • Overview of the negotiation process
  • Preparation of negotiation
  • Due diligence, goals and key conditions

Technology valuation

  • Overview of economic valuation methods
  • Quantitative methods valuation (cost, market, revenue, and option-based)
  • Qualitative methods of valuation

Technology Implementation

  • Technology transfer project management
  • The technology package to transfer

Spin-out development

  • Overview of spin-out development
  • Financial requirements of startups
  • Introduction to venture capital

Monitoring the technology transfer process

  • Monitoring actions
  • Performance measurement


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or whats-app or viber: +34-63-586-76-86





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